CHR is pursuing a variety of innovative ways to help our clients obtain quality primary care and wellness services, along with expert care for mental health and substance use challenges. In addition, CHR is partnering with primary care practices in the region to bring vital behavioral health services into medical offices.
CHR offers clients access to on-site primary care services in two of our outpatient offices: Manchester and Bloomfield!
In all, this is a critically important goal for CHR because many of our clients do not regularly receive primary care services. This reflects a troubling national statistic that shows that people with serious mental illness tend to die 25 years sooner than the general public. We want to change that trend by making it more convenient and more comfortable for everyone to get all of their healthcare needs met under one roof.
In addition to paving the way for more access to primary care services, CT First also includes expanded wellness programming such as ear acupuncture, wellness groups, yoga classes and more.
Manchester: CHR clients, staff and the public have access to a full-service satellite office of First Choice Health Centers on the third floor of our outpatient building on 444 Center Street. This is a tremendous resource for CHR and the community. We recently collaborated with First Choice on a SAMHSA grant, Whole Health, based in Manchester and are currently working to expand and co-brand our work together.
Bloomfield: Recently, Charter Oak Health Center began offering primary care services in newly renovated space within our Bloomfield office! We are so delighted to offer this service in Bloomfield and pleased to say that all of the providers are working together so services are truly integrated.