Real Life. Real Hope.
Addiction Clinic Connecticut
Recognizing you need help with an addiction is the first step to recovery. The second step is seeking out an...
As the year comes to a close, we want to thank everyone who has supported CHR this year!
Make Your Year-End Gift Today! If you have not already, now is the perfect time to join the movement of...
The Northeast Area Women and Girls Fund Awards CHR Funds
The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut recently announced $210,554 in 2019 grants to 53 nonprofits aimed at providing greater equity...
Addiction Help Connecticut
The decision to get addiction help is never easy, but it can come as a huge relief. Whether you are...
Delayed Opening Tuesday, Dec. 17
Tuesday, December 17th will be a delayed opening – in consideration of your safety and that of our clients. We...
Drug Abuse Treatment Connecticut
Drug addiction can be a complicated and confusing topic for some; we often wonder why and how people can find...
Addiction Services Connecticut
Do you or someone you know need help with a substance abuse problem? At CHR, we have many different programs...
Adult Mental Health Connecticut
Taking care of your own mental health can be a challenge. With so much time focused on what’s going around...
Mental Health Clinic Connecticut
Did you know that one in five Americans will struggle with mental health issues at least once during their lifetime?...
Nonprofits say philanthropy alone can’t save services
Read the full article here.
Open House & Job Fair at CHR’s Mansfield Office
Friday, December 6, 2019 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CHR’s Mansfield Office 7 Ledgebrook Drive Mansfield, CT 06250 Community Health...